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Strategic Direction

Daewoo E&C is striving to enhance the mid- to long-term value of customers and communities with ' Greater love with greater sharing ' as a key slogan for social contribution. In addition, we contribute to the development of the community to fulfill our responsibilities as a member of society.

Daewoo E&C Strategy System

Daewoo E&C Strategy System image

Performance System

The Daewoo E&C Social Volunteer Group, founded in 2007, conducts various employee participation relay volunteer programs every year, including improving the community environment, donating talents, and sharing activities with the underprivileged.
In Korea, we strengthen our win-win activities by improving the living conditions of vulnerable residents in Seoul and strengthening continuous communication with local communities.
In overseas, we are promoting projects with global NGOs to meet the needs and expectations of local communities at overseas sites.


Social contribution commission
Determination of major matters concerning the operation of the volunteer group, such as the operation rules, business plans, and measures to utilize the fund, etc.
Social contribution secretariat
Social contribution program development, operational practice and financial management
Social service team
Social service by Headquarter(team) and Local(site)

Performance measurement

After carrying out social contribution activities, we measure the performance and set a mid- to long-term goal of more than 3 years. We evaluate the performance of 13 types of social contribution activities, including organizations, systems, key performance indicators, and projects linked to the characteristics of our business, and aim to increase the performance indicators by 5% each year.
We will continue to strive for positive impacts on local communities and maximize value creation through social contribution activities.

Performance of activities

2021~2023 Performance of activities data
Division Unit 2021 2022 2023
Annual number of participants number of people 1,041 3,432 4,864
Total expenditure 1 million won 967 1,644 2,470
Operating expenses 1 million won 57 61 102
Donation (Culture and arts, etc.) 1 million won 910 1,583 2,369
Average hours of activity per person hour 4.46 5.9 3.68
Number of relay volunteer number of times 0 6 13
Number of participants participating in relay volunteer activities number of people 0 486 310

※ Number of participants in coin donation activities. (Only including 2022 performance)