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Sustainability Management

Sustainability Management System

ESG Organization System

Sustainability Management
Global Top 20
Green Growth
Future Growth
Maximizing Corporate
Value through Financial
Shared Growth
CSR Effort
  • Ensure compliance with environmental regulations by reducing waste materials and noise
  • Increasing market shares in key areas
  • Implementing compliance practice and ethical management
  • Developing eco-friendly technology and renewable energy businesses
  • Exploring new markets and businesses
  • Fulfill our CSR through social contribution activities

KCGS Detailed Assessment Results

KCGS Detailed Assessment Results
2021 2022 2023
Environmental(E) B+ B+ A+
Social(S) A   B+ A  
Governance(G) A   B+ A  
Total A   B+ A  

* 2023 ESG Ratings announced by Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability (KCGS), as of Oct. 27, 2023

Sustainability Report

The Sustainability Report 2023 is the ninth publication since its first report that was published in year 2012. We, Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd., perform a thorough inspection of our internal sustainability and at the same time, we are opening to our clients and stakeholders transparently of our activities and achievements through the Sustainability Report that we publish on every year. As of our slogan “Power to Change the World”, we are committed to faithfully implement the social responsibilities and promise to be an enterprise that grow and step forward together with our clients and stakeholders.
